Catechismo Online


Matteo 16:23 – Letture del giorno: il 20 settembre 2019

Ma Gesù, rivoltosi, disse a Pietro: Vattene via da me, Satana; tu mi sei di scandalo. Tu non hai il senso delle cose di Dio, ma delle cose degli uomini.

Riflessioni sul versetto di oggi…

Peter was the man who knew God best and most praised by God. But why did the Lord reprimand Peter here? The Lord Jesus’ words tell us that Peter relied on his own will and good intention to dissuade the Lord Jesus from going to the cross. He did not consider God’s will and work. Outwardly, he had good intention and was loyal to God, but in God’s eyes, he was obstructing God’s work. From God’s attitude towards Peter, we can see the revelation of an aspect of God’s disposition: God is mercy and love, but when man offends God’s disposition, God will condemn and reveal him. God has neither human will or ambiguity in His words or man’s moderation. God is principled in His words and actions: He is straight and to the point, right is right and wrong is wrong.

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